Does Cocoa Increase Breast Milk?

Cocoa increases break milk if used in moderation. As it is packed with a wide range of properties like caffeine, vitamin E, and polyphenols, you can rest assured that it not only boosts up supply but also benefits your baby in the long run as well.

Cocoa Increasing breast milk – What does Research say?

The secret behind cocoa’s effectiveness lies in its theobromine, a caffeine compound and anandamide which are two compounds that stimulate the polyphenols in the cocoa beans.

Considering how these properties can also be found in breastmilk, it can boost up the production of breastmilk for women. However, one thing to bear in mind is that where the moderate intake of chocolate can improve your health, extreme intake can do the opposite. 

An Overview of Cocoa 

Cocoa, in general, is the fruit of a cacao plant that is used for a wide range of purposes, including flavouring and beverages. You also get to see cocoa as the main ingredient in chocolate cakes and confections.

But, where does it come from, I hear you ask? 

Cocoa from the cacao tree contains large sums of fat, which then gets extracted as cocoa butter and the rest is used as cocoa powder. Here, the main commercial form of cocoa is inevitably the mouth-watering chocolate that we eat as solid bars, power or liquor.

You can also find its blends in numerous other items like toppings, cake mixes and pharmaceuticals purposes. 

However, it isn’t just the sugar that these cocoa products contain. They are packed with a wide variety of nutrients that can not only increase breast milk but also ensure to keep your child healthy and thriving at all times. 

How is the final product derived to be used by moms?

When it comes to putting anything in your body as a mom, you need to be extra careful as you also need to take care of the living being inside you. This is one of the main reasons why early moms are always on the run to find out the best solution to improve their health and ensure their little bundle of joy gets the best possible sources of nutrients in their bodies. 

Luckily, the caffeine present in cocoa powder enables moms to consume it in various ways to add value to their child’s health.

However, just like with anything else, bear in mind that your baby’s digestive system is the most sensitive within the first few months of birth. This means the potent allergens will make it difficult for your baby to digest it effectively without harming their health. 

Therefore, before you dive in headfirst to try any cocoa off the shelf and shove it in your mouth, make sure you are of the recommended amount and any cautions moms must take to increase breast milk in the healthiest way possible.

Facts about Cocoa increasing Breast Milk

1. Cocoa contains caffeine

Caffeine is the #1 reason why cocoa can do wonders in enhancing milk production for early moms.

Some of the caffeine that gets passed down through milk to your baby can also help overexcite the baby and can be a great way to improve not only your health but your baby’s as well.

However, considering how caffeine is used to energise the baby, she may end up being extra restless and be overly sensitive to caffeine. 

2. Alkaloids present in cocoa has positive effects on your baby 

Although the alkaloids found in cocoa have the potential to yield incredible results for both adult and immature bodies, if used wrong, you can actually mess up the natural consumption of calcium in your child.

Therefore, pay close attention to how much cocoa you consume and the different methods you are using to get cocoa in your body. 

But let’s admit it, it can be a headache to take so many precautions before indulging in your favourite desserts. 

That’s where white chocolate comes into the picture. 

It contains pure cocoa butter and sugar to balance out the hormones and yield the same results. To give you peace of mind, make sure to see how your baby reacts to it before incorporating it into your daily diet. 

3. Theobromine can aggravate gas in babies 

Theobromine, which is a substance found in cocoa, can aggravate gas in newborn babies. Here, taking cocoa in moderation can do wonders but again if that’s too much work for you, there is always an option to try out white chocolate and get the same results.

Myths about Cocoa increasing Breast Milk

Truth be told: the use of organic cocoa has been the thing of the past. Nowadays with the advancements in products, the truth about cocoa butter and its breast milk benefits has been blurred.

Therefore, you get to hear about all kinds of myths that can lure you into bad decisions and put your and your baby’s health at risk. 

Good for you, after days of rigorous research and interviews, I’ve decided to bust them all! Here are some of the myths about cocoa increasing breast milk that you need to know now. 

1. You should consume Cocoa right after the birth of your child

Experimenting with different techniques right after the delivery can do more harm than good. Therefore, it’s best to stick to your regular or suggested diet by the doctor until your baby turns months old.

Although her digestive system wouldn’t still be developed, she will be able to digest a little amount of cocoa powder.

However, before you go on to try something out of the blue, try taking a sip or two to examine the behaviour of your child.

If your baby encounters rashes or acts fizzy right after drinking the milk, it may be the time that you should discontinue using cocoa powder. Remember not everything is going to suit you.

So be mindful with your experiments as the right ones can prove exceptional for increasing the milk supply, wrong ones can lead to whole new chaos that might be far more concerning than breast milk. 

2. Focusing on certain foods can have a tremendous impact on your break milk supply

Let’s get this straight. Foods can play a big role in managing your health. But there is no proof that “Breastfeeding foods” works. They are just tried and tested methods of the moms before us who have to swear by cocoa and its ability to increase breast milk. 

Therefore, it would be wiser to set realistic expectations and prepare yourself to not see significant changes in the supply. 

3. You need to drink chocolate milk to make milk

It is funny how people think that drinking more milk produced by a female cow for her calf can improve the milk production of another mom. This is a common myth that many women believe today.

Benefits of Cocoa for Breast-Feeding Moms 

1. Nutrients 

Breastfeeding is the crucial part of making you or breaking your child’s health. This is because, in the initial stages, they only count on mother’s milk to get the nutrients and fight off infections and bacterias residing in their body.

Therefore, you, as a mom, need to be mindful of anything you put in your body. 

Here, taking moderate quantities of cocoa powder in your diet can elevate the nutrients in your body and help keep your baby in excellent condition.

Remember the key here is to avoid exposing your child to the allergens present in cocoa. 

2. Cleanses the body

Babies are always born with countless sensitivities and conditions that are too fragile to handle. Therefore, going overboard with experiments can pose a grave risk to your new bundle of joy.

Therefore, it is recommended to count on mild solutions like cocoa to flush out toxins, poisons, and metal salts out of your body. As a result, you ensure your child only gets the healthiest form of breastmilk. 

3. Improves central nervous system

Yes, you read that right! As cocoa beans have the potential to promote “Hormones of Happiness” called serotonin and endorphin, your child will actually develop better memory, attention, and productivity in the long run.

As for you, you get to alleviate depression and enhance mood so your baby stays happy at all times. 

4. Improving cardiovascular system

Cocoa is one of the most underrated sources of potassium and magnesium as it can strengthen the vessels of your heart muscle and improve blood flow, it is recommended to eat an adequate amount of cocoa every day.

This can also be helpful to provide essential nutrients in times when your baby has a highly sensitive body.

Here, it is best to go for organic cocoa powder so you don’t carry the risk from the additional ingredients. 

5. Improving the condition of the skin and hair

Who knew your favourite dessert is loaded with Vitamin A and E which are known for amping up the beauty and bringing back the glow on your face.

Cocoa can regenerate the epidermis and accelerate the growth of the nail plate. Other than that, it can also play a big role in healing your hair follicles to make it your go-to ingredient to improve your and your baby’s health. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is cocoa powder good while breastfeeding?

Yes, it’s chocolate but it also comes with a wide range of benefits for mothers to be their companion in stressful times of having a newborn baby. As it gives a boost of energy to your baby, it can surely make your babies more irritable and fussy. This makes sure that Theobromine is not an issue to deteriorate the condition of your baby. 
In fact, one small cup of brewed coffee contains 130 mg while the Theobromine is the part that doesn’t get affected by caffeine. 

Can eating chocolate affect breast milk?

There is a little grey area here. As mentioned earlier, eating chocolate is not as bad as many people think. Although it does contain caffeine, it is always preferred in lower quantities. The theobromine prepares your kid to fight other externalities and improve the immune system. 

Now how much caffeine is actually considered to be good, I hear you ask?

In general, an average cup of coffee contains 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine, which is what we all drink. Now, 2.5 mg of that caffeine needs to be consumed through food or any other beverage, so is the only way you can make the most out of cocoa and ensure to keep your and your baby’s health in check.  

What can I drink to increase breast milk production?

First and foremost, no food can magically improve the production of breast milk for you. Therefore, you need to be highly patient with your efforts before making a change in your life. If cocoa is not your bet, you can never go wrong with the good ol’ oatmeal. 
In fact, breastfeeding moms are known for using oatmeal over the years to improve the production of breastmilk. It is also an excellent source of iron and offers low levels of minerals to offer you an excellent milk supply.
However, just like with anything else, you need to be patient with your efforts and start incorporating breastfeeding foods once your baby is mature enough to handle different additions in your milk. This is ideally after 3 months where their digestive systems are somewhat stronger. 


Coming to the end of the guide, if you have reached here, I’m sure you are fully equipped with all the information to keep your child healthy at all times.

To answer your question in a nutshell, cocoa can be beneficial for you and your baby if you know the correct ways of using it. You can do this by taking extra caution in the dodge to protect your little baby’s digestive system, and make sure they don’t encounter imbalances with gas. 

If your baby suffers from rashes in the first few weeks of birth, it is completely normal. However, if she happens to suffer from it even after 3-4 months of birth, that may be the time when you should start taking it seriously and discontinue using cocoa in your regular diet.

Other than that, slowly, but surely cocoa can actually increase breast milk supply and strengthen your baby’s bones in the long run. 

Photo of author
Hi, Nelson here... is the lead reviewer here at Cocoaness. A cocoa enthusiast and an ‘honest’ reviewer. I know cocoa more like you know your favorite fruit. I’m a farmer by birth because of my family’s vast cocoa farm in Ghana. In fact, I will be a chocolatier in the near future.